Homelab Update - Hybrid Homelab

Preface: Unless you have been living under a rock, you know that the Cloud is one of the biggest things in IT, and if you...

   Aug 10, 2023     3 min read
Homelab Update - OPNSense Splunk and Syslog

Preface: As part of the Homelab revamp, I decided it best to completely blow away all of the VM’s and start fresh. This also included...

   Aug 9, 2023     6 min read
Homelab Update - New Servers!

Preface: Over the past few months I’ve had a lot of different things happen, more namely moving different houses. Now I have a dedicated basement...

   Aug 8, 2023     1 min read
Central Logging Server - Splunk Forwarder

Preface: Continuing on with rebuilding the homelab, since I have two boxes set up (one main “server” and one “router/server/gateway/firewall” combo), I found that there...

   May 16, 2023     5 min read
Ansible Series - AWX Logging

Preface: Have you ever ran a command in linux and later went “Hmm… What did I just run” (hint: bash history is your friend at...

   May 6, 2023     4 min read